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code with brooke
hello and welcome to my tutoring and coaching page!
please use the links below to learn more or to book a session with me 👩🏼‍💻

  • "Ms. Ryan’s cadence when expressing herself and articulating her ideas are stellar. She is a master in presenting clear concepts, leading results-oriented discussions, modeling technical concepts, and creating a path for student understanding...I believe there are some who “teach” and there are others who are “called.” Ms. Ryan is definitely “called” to be an educator. Her compassion for students, commitment to her own academic and professional growth, and her acts of service and leadership make her an excellent candidate and veritable contributor to Computer Science research and education." Girls Who Code Supervisor, Summer Immersion Program
  • "Brooke is an amazing tutor, and it was a pleasure working with her. She was very nice and considerate, treating my questions seriously and taking the time to make sure I understood core concepts. She was relatable and made me feel at ease throughout the session, which helped me to learn better overall. Overall, I highly recommend her and would book another session! Thank you." Mark R., Wyzant
  • "Thank you so much for giving me the ability to code. Without you, I wouldn't even know that this is a possible career path for me. You have created such a wonderful environment that I'm going to miss so much." Girls Who Code student, Summer Immersion Program
  • "Brooke excels at teaching in a way that is accessible and understood by a lot of students." UCI student TA review
  • "Brooke has many strengths. She was very enthusiastic about helping students and teaching the class. She explained concepts clearly and frequently encouraged people in class to participate. She always made sure to ask if anyone had any questions. She included interactive exercises in her mini lectures/presentations." UCI graduate student TA review